Aishwarya immortalized in marble statue Bollywood actress and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has been immortalized as a marble statue. This beautifully carved statue was displayed at The International Granites And Stone Fair "Stona 2010", in Bangalore on Thursday. This marble statue built in the pink city Jaipur is worth Rs 11 Lakh. Actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan along with other... Chitrangda plays baddie in Krrish 2 The beautiful actress Chitrangda Singh, who will be playing the female baddie in the Krrish sequel is undergoing physical training as a part of her preparation for the role. Recently, she went to Hong Kong and China and attended some of the action and fight classes. The lead of the film Hrithik Roshan suggested Chitrangda to undergo some physical training so that it helps... | | |