Shahrukh to perform at IPL inauguration Bollywood and Cricket go hand in hand in India. The recent report informs that Bollywood Baadshah Shahrukh Khan will most likely be in Chennai during the inaugural function of the current season of the Indian Premier League (IPL), tomorrow. It is also reported that Shahrukh will be performing at the opening ceremony of the cricketing league. N Srinivasan of Team... Yuvraj parties with Bollywood babes When Yuvraj Singh said "tonight's gonna be a good night” after beating Sri Lanka at the cricket World Cup final match, he didn't say for nothing. He lived up to his words by partying with some of the hottest girls in Bollywood. Yuvi, who got Man Of The Series trophy for his consistent performance at the World Cup, is certainly the 'man of the moment' - at least for many girls. | | |