Yash Chopra gets threat call from underworld It is a comeback of underworld in the B-Town. Ace filmmaker Yash Chopra has been receiving threat calls from gangster Ravi Pujari. Reportedly, Chopra has also sent a letter concerning the above to the Zonal DCP and has received some extra security after that. Ravi Pujari has been calling up the landline at Yash Raj Office in Oshiwara, reports Mumbai Mirror. Sonakshi-Shatru to get Dadasaheb Academy Award Bollywood veteran Shatrughan Sinha and his daughter Sonakshi Sinha (Dabangg fame) have been chosen for this year's Dadasaheb Phakle Academy Awards. While Shatru will be honoured with Dadasaheb Phalke Academy legendry artiste award, Sonakshi will sweep away Dadasaheb Phalke Academy best debut award. This starry event will be held on May 3, wherein all the... | | |