Chalo Dilli faces legal trouble Everything was moving smoothly for the film Chalo Dilli, which will hit the screen this Friday, till recently when lyricist Farhaaz Ahmed took the entire unit of the film to the court. Ahmed claims that the song 'Matargastiyan' originally belongs to him and has been stolen. He also confirmed that the song is already registered in his name. The writer has sent a legal notice... Abhishek's death in DMD turns lucky? Reportedly, Abhishek Bachchan is upset with his character's death in Dum Maaro Dum. Apparently, he conveyed this to director Rohan Sippy, who strongly believed in the film's climax. The film went ahead as the director wanted. Sippy convinced the actor to go with the original idea, however the idea failed to lure Junior Bachchan after he saw the final edit of the film. | | |