Salman Khan throws a shirtless party Between the busy shoots of his upcoming film Bodyguard, starring Salman Khan opposite actress Kareena Kapoor, the actor took time out for a get together party. Salman hosted a shirtless party for his family and friends. It was out and out a guys party, with all the guys off their shirt. Later, Salman Khan tweeted a series of his pictures showing him flexing his muscles... Ranbir Kapoor keen on doing Dhoom 4 Actor Ranbir Kapoor, who has proved his excellence like Wake Up Sid and Raajneeti, expresses his desire to be a part of the super hit Dhoom series. After the success of Dhoom 1 and 2, everybody from the Tinsel town is eager on its third sequel. Dhoom 3 will see actor Aamir Khan as the baddie in the film, while Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra, will keep playing the... | | |