Shahrukh inspired by Poonam to go shirtless Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan is on cloud nine these days. His IPL team Kolkata Night Riders has been performing well at the league. The actor was very happy when KKR won the third match by beating Rajasthan Royals at the Eden Garden. He immediately declared that he will go shirtless if his team reaches the IPL final this year. Preity zapped by link-up with Yuvraj The media reported every little thing that took place between actress Preity Zinta and the then captain of her IPL team, Kings XI Punjab – from the warm hugs after every win to the chitchats off the field. It was rumoured that they were seeing each other. But now that Yuvi has left her team for Pune Warriors India, Preity has opened up on their alleged relationship. | | |