Shahrukh is a true friend: Juhi Chawla Actor Shahrukh Khan and actress Juhi Chawla have been friends since their very first film together. Later this friendship turned into business partnership, but when the duo realised that their partnership was affecting their friendship, they parted ways as business partners. Juhi Chawala told Mumbai Mirror, "I think Shahrukh and I have remained friends because... RGV to make Rangeela 2 with Rahman In this Bollywood's era of remakes and sequels there is one more film that will add to the list soon. Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is very keen on recreating the Rangeela magic on-screen with music composer AR Rahman. After 16 years of success of the chart-buster film Rangeela, filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is planning ti work on the sequel of the film with Rahman. | | |