Amitabh's handprints immortalized in Poland Actor Amitabh Bachchan recently visited Krakow, Poland, for the Off Plus Camera Film Festival. The actor who was accompanied by wife Jaya Bachchan and daughter Shweta, was honoured by the Poles by immortalizing his handprints. He was also given the key to the city of Krakow. Amitabh's handprints were taken for engraving it on the pavement that runs along the great castle. Kangana visits Salman late at night Bollywood actors Salman Khan and Kangana Ranaut have been linked ever since the former parted ways with his long-time girlfriend Katrina Kaif. They know very well that gossip mongers would not spare them if they are seen together, but the duo just don't seem to care. Adding fuel to the fire, Kangana visited Salman on the sets of Bodyguard, and that too late at night. | | |