Salman's action in Bodyguard impresses Milla Jovovich Actor Salman Khan has a huge female fan following in India. But now, a biggest female is joining the fan club of the Bollywood star. Yes! She is none other than Hollywood actress Milla Jovovich, who has been very much impressed by the Sallu mian's action in his recently released movie Bodyguard. She gushes that she would love to work with him. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan will have twins, predicts KBC contestant Aishwarya Rai Bachchan will have twins, predicts Richa when she recently met Amitabh Bachchan at the popular game show Kaun Bangega Crorepati 5 on Sony TV. We had recently informed you that there are a lot of talks going on in the industry which suggests that the Bachchan bahu will have twins. In fact, even well known astrologer and numerologist Bavikk Sangghvi... We would love to hear from you, please do send us your feedback. © Greynium Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Disclaimer, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy To subscribe, click here! |