Now, Anushka set to groove for 'Munni' After Mallika Sherawat signed the Tamil version of 'Munni badnaam hui...', now Anushka Shetty has sealed the deal for the same act! Well, the Arundhati actress will groove for the Telugu version of Dabangg, which is titled Gabbar Singh. If sources are to be believed, Anushka Shetty has given the nod to shake her legs for the much-hyped item number... Bipasha's topless ad is a hit! Bipasha Basu's semi nude commercial, which she had shot way back in 1999 in the US is creating waves all over the internet. The ad is a hit, considering that the video is becoming quite a rage on the internet. Bipasha Basu had apparently shot for a hot topless commercial for New York Lotto. The sizzling and steamy video showcases Bipasha Basu as a princess... | | |