Mahie Gill, Randeep Hooda's kissing scene leaked online Director Tigmanshu Dhulia's upcoming movie Sahib Biwi Aur Gangster has a love-making scene, where actress Mahie Gill seduces actor Randeep Hooda. It was reported earlier that Mahie has not only shed her cloths, but has also shared a long kiss with her co-star in the film. The latest buzz is that their lip-lock scene has leaked on the Internet before it... Vidya Balan's sexy 'acts' raises heat Vidya Balan, who is super super hot and sexy in her upcoming film The Dirty Picture says, "Sexy is not what you are; sexy is what you do!" Speaking to TNN, Vidya Balan said that the word 'sexy' is about what you do and how you do it. Elaborating on what she means, Vidya said that a simple action that showed her putting the tip of her finger in her mouth in a mobile related... | | |