Bodyguard emerges as a big winner at the Box Office Bollywood has offered a big treat to its fans during this year's Eid and Ganesh festival seasons. Four Hindi films like Bodyguard, Bol, That Girl in Yellow Boots and Mummy Punjabi have hit the screens this weekend. Out of them, Salman Khan starrer Bodyguard has emerged as the winner at the Box Office and the remaining films have failed to do well... Ajith starrer Billa 2 goes Avatar way Ajith Kumar's Billa 2 is getting bigger and better. The movie, which has completed its first schedule of shooting, is being made with some of the best technicians of India and they are utilising world class equipments to give the upcoming Tamil film a rich look. Cinematographer RD Rajasekhar, who is working with Ajith Kumar after nine years, has shot the first... | | |