Bodyguard garners Rs 81 crore in four days Though Salman Khan-Kareena Kapoor starrer Bodyguard has got mixed reviews, the film has given Bollywood its biggest blockbuster, in terms of collections that it made in the opening weekend. Bodyguard, directed by Siddique that released last Wednesday, August 31st has grossed an estimate of Rs 86 crore in the first four days of its screening in India. SRK to tie-up with Schumacher to promote Ra.One Actor Shahrukh Khan has completed the shooting for his upcoming movie Ra.One, which is slated to release in October. The Bollywood star is now very serious about its promotion and he is leaving no stone unturned for it. The buzz is that SRK has planned to tie up with German Formula One racer Michael Schumacher for the publicity of his much-anticipated film. |  | |