Kareena demands share in Heroine's profit Kareena Kapoor, who had earlier demanded a whooping 8 crore for Madhur Bhandarkar's ambitious project Heroine has after much discussion agreed upon to reduce her signing amount, and instead share the profits of the film Heroine with UTV, director Madhur Bhandarkar and male lead actor Arjun Rampal. Heroine, based on the life of late Hollywood actress... Will Salman play Lady Gaga's bodyguard? It has already been reported that American singer Lady Gaga is visiting India in October. Latest buzz is that Bollywood actor Salman Khan is likely to be her bodyguard and even host a party for the Bad Romance star. Salman's niece Alizeh, who is the younger daughter of his sister Alvira and Atul Agnihotri, is a big fan of the popstar and has requested her uncle to host a party for her. | | |