Editor's Pick India's sovereign rating stable: S&P India has passed its financial health checkup as credit rating watchdog Standard and Poor's has affirmed that there is no immediate threat to India. Buffett tells congress to raise taxes. Lends indirect support to President Obama In the investment and business world, the world listens when Warren Buffett, the world's richest investor, speaks but this time he has written an op-ed in the New York Times making a case for increasing taxes on the rich. Gold is the bubble which can burst anytime. How to adjust your portfolio for it? No wonder! Gold is shining pretty well these days and it has substantial reasons to shine. The downgrade of the US' sovereign debt by Standard and Poor's to AA+ has given another very reason to this precious metal to show its radiance. SBI Mutual Fund unveils SBI Gold Fund SBI Mutual Fund has unveiled a New Fund Offer (NFO), namely, SBI Gold Fund. It's an open-ended debt scheme. Who is an anchor investor? The concept of anchor investors was introduced by Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) with the intention to improve the price discovery during Initial Public Offers (IPOs). Currency Exchange Rates for INR 45.284 65.214 74.199 0.59 37.617 Money SMS Alert Early market trends; top trade picks, - via regular sms alerts on MTDY-MARKETS - for only Rs.10/month Subscribe to our RSS feed to get the latest on www.goodreturns.in Check Oneindia Money on your Mobile m.goodreturns.in Write in to us, to send us your feedback Greynium Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd. | Disclaimer, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Note: You are receiving this email because you have an email account with Oneindia.in |