Not A Love Story faces legal suit for being a copy Producer Shareef Zuberi yesterday filed a suit in a City Civil Court of Mumbai, seeking a direction to restrain film maker Ram Gopal Verma from releasing his forthcoming film Not a Love Story. The film is touted to be based on the murder of TV executive Neeraj Grover. The suit has been filed against the release stating that Not A Love Story is a copy of his under-production film... Shammi's last film Rockstar: First Look It is believed that an artist never dies and so has not Bollywood veteran Shammi Kapoor. Though the star has left his body his image and his memories will be alive through his works. Soon there will be one one more film for his fans to hold on to, Rockstar. Here we bring a sneak peak of the actor in the film. Kapoor had shot for a few scenes in Imtiaz Ali directed film Rockstar. | | |