Salman Khan supports Film City workers Bollywood star Salman Khan has taken up the cause of helping the film industry workers and has announced that he would give a portion of his remuneration to support them. While promoting his upcoming film Ready, Salman told that he does not work for money. “I don't work for money. Even if I don't get any remuneration, I am fine with it. Aishwarya roped in as Bhandarkar's Heroine Director Madhur Bhandarkar has finally zeroed on actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, for his upcoming project, Heroine. A formal announcement of the film is expected to be made at the Cannes Film Festival. Heroine will be a joint production of Bhandarkar and UTV Motion Pictures. The film will be a real life experience piece, which will describe... | | |