Ragini MMS is a real life story of Deepika Ekta Kapoor's film Ragini MMS, has been creating a lot of buzz for its sensuous paranormal thriller story. Though the makers tried hard to hide the inspiration behind the story, it is finally revealed. Reportedly, Ragini MMS is a story based on a 22-year-old Delhi girl Deepika. Mumbai Mirror reported about Deepika being the inspiration behind the film. Says the girl... Ranbir's impromptu party Just a day before in Hyderabad, actor Ranbir Kapoor threw an impromptu party for his friends, as soon as he reached Mumbai. Last night was starry at his Pali Hill Bungalow, Krishna Raj. Though the party was thrown for fun, it actually showed-off a few of the celebrity couples too. While actress Soha Ali Khan was seen cuddling up with her boyfriend Kunal Khemu... | | |