Shiney Ahuja gets 7 yrs jail term Finally, the decision has been taken. Actor Shiney Ahuja is convicted to seven years in jail by a Mumbai High Court, on the charges of allegedly raping his 20-year-old maid servant. The actor was on a bail from October 2009 and was externed from Mumbai city. Shiney was arrested on June 15 (2009) after it was confirmed by a preliminary medical tests that the girl... Anurag to marry fiancee Kalki Koechlin Bollywood will soon witness another high-profile wedding this year if the latest news is to be believed. The news is doing the rounds that director Anurag Kashyap and his long-time girlfriend actress Kalki Koechlin will walk down the aisle by the end of this year. The news has it that Anurag secretly got engaged to Kali last month. They are planning to tie the knot by the... | | |