Gora villain Bob Christo dies of heart attack Australia-born Bollywood actor Bob Christo, who had played villain in Amitabh Bachchan's Namak Halal, died of a massive heart attack in Bangalore on Sunday. The 72-year old was admitted to Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research he complained of chest pain on Saturday morning. But the Gora villain of 1980s breathed his last following the cardiac rupture. Ganesh refuses to apologise to Ramya The fight between A Ganesh and Ramya ended after the producer agreed to pay her due amount of Rs. 3.7 lakhs. But he has refused to tender his apology to the Kannada actress. He has said that he would not even ask to attend the promotion of his upcoming movie Dhandam Dashagunam, which features budding actor Chiranjeevi Sarja in the lead. In a meeting held at the KFCC... | | |