Mangala – Movie Review Charmy Kaur was going through a lean patch with no project on hand, after she started accepting woman-centric, heroine-oriented films. Her last hit was Mantra. After that she had neither films in hand nor hits to her credit. Once again, she joined hands with Osho Tulasiram, who had produced and directed Mantra. Now, they are joined hands for Mangala. Amitabh Bachchan remembers late Goga Kapoor Amitabh Bachchan remembers actor Goga Kapoor, who passed away on Wednesday after a prolonged illness. Amitabh, who has worked with Goga Kapoor in celebrated films like Toofan, Agneepath, Shahenshah, Jigar, posted on his micro-blogging site, "An old colleague from stage and film passes away .. Goga Kapoor! May his soul rest in peace! | | |