Priyanka Chopra gets intimate with Harper's After the big fall of Vishal Bhardawaj's film 7 Khoon Maaf, the lead actress Priyanka Chopra, who expected a lot from the movie went into hiding for some days. However, the actress has finally come out of the cocoon and given an interview with the Harper's Bazaar magazine. The March issue of the magazine, is the second anniversary special of Harper's Bazaar. Tanu Weds Manu pays off well at Overseas BO The film Tanu Weds Manu, starring R. Madhavan and Kangana Ranaut has fared well at the international market. The risk taken by the confident investors by releasing Tanu Weds Manu in 13 countries has finally paid off at the overseas Box Office. While Tanu Weds Manu got positive response from the people abroad, 7 Khoon Maaf has totally crashed in the market just in its... | | |